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Build Healthy Habits and a Fit Body so You Can

Look, Feel, and Perform Your Best


1-on-1 Custom Online Fitness Coaching

In a few months this could be you

These type of results ARE typical

Scott (50) - Life changing results in just 6 months

"This program has been life changing. 

I'm stronger than I've ever been in my life.

I've come off heartburn medicine, I feel energized, I no longer get out of breath when running around.

Everything has been clear and easy to follow from the beginning."

Total bodyweight: down 25 lbs
Body Fat %: down from 35% to 21%
Lean body mass: up 18 lbs
Blood Pressure: down from 140/82 to 115/68

Dimitri (31) - "I've never been this strong in my life!"

"This is the strongest I've ever been.  Everywhere I go people say 'You look great!'  It feels so good!


This has been the first time I've been able to incorporate fitness into my busy life.


The accountability in this program has really helped me stay on track."

Gary (40) - Lost over 40 lbs while maintaining social life

Gary Weight Loss Transformation (front).png
Gary Weight Loss Transformation (back).png

"In 10 months I lost over 40 lbs and got stronger without giving up drinking, socializing, or eating out. 


This program has helped me develop sustainable habits that keep my health and fitness in check.  You've helped me realize that consistency is more important than intensity when it comes to dieting and exercising.


In the past, my weight has always swung up and down drastically.  I'd drop 30 lbs in 3 months, keep it off for 2 months, then gain it all back again in 3 months.  This program has changed that.  I now take breaks without going overboard.  I enjoy myself on vacations and holidays without gaining weight.


Scoring my adherence to my plan each week and seeing my score compared to everyone else gave me the accountability and motivation to stay on track consistently.  It is a very effective system for forming healthy habits."


What to Expect from Your Call

This call is all about helping YOU

Tell us about where you are now,
where you want to be,
and what's preventing you from getting there.

We will provide you a roadmap to follow that
will help you
lose the stubborn fat,
build muscle that is both aesthetic and functional,
and have better
energy & focus than you have in your entire life.

And you will learn how we can help you follow your plan and make adjustments over time so that your progress never stalls and fitness becomes an automatic part of WHO YOU ARE.

Are you ready to have more confidence,
all day energy, and a new outlook on life?


Quit wasting time trying to do it on your own.
Get on a program with a coach that delivers life changing results.


After our call, you’ll have the information and direction needed to build a life that you’ve always dreamed about.


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