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User Agreement for Sarantos Fitness LLC

Whereas YOU (the “Client”) desire to engage SARANTOS FITNESS LLC to provide health, fitness, and lifestyle coaching services.  The Parties agree as follows:

1. Coaching Services: SARANTOS FITNESS LLC agrees to provide health, fitness, and lifestyle coaching services (the “Program”) to YOU in the form of online guides, instructional videos, group calls, direct messages, one-on-one calls, and webinars in exchange for a Service Fee. Your access to the Program is conditional on payment of such Service Fee, whether paid in full up front or on a recurring monthly basis.


2. No Refunds: SARANTOS FITNESS LLC abides by a strict no refund policy. In accepting the terms of this Agreement and subscribing to the Program, YOU are taking full responsibility for your own success. Thus, YOU agree that you will not request a refund.


3. Commitment: By accepting the terms of this Agreement, YOU acknowledge that reaching your fitness goals requires consistent effort to form healthy habits for several months or longer.  It is not a get-fit quick program and trying to take shortcuts will not help you achieve your fitness goals. 


4. Intellectual Property: All trademarks or service marks used in connection with the services rendered are owned by SARANTOS FITNESS LLC. This Agreement does not grant YOU any right, license, or interest in such marks, and YOU shall not assert any right, license, or interest in such marks.


5. Use of Testimonials: YOU authorize SARANTOS FITNESS LLC the use of your testimonials, social media messages, photographs, videos, or other content or communications for marketing purposes.  You hereby waive all rights to any claims or demands for payment or royalties in connection with the use of any of such materials.


6. Code of Conduct: YOU agree always to maintain the highest level of professionalism when participating in the Program, including in connection with postings made on social media platforms, conversations on group pages, conference calls, or other messaging communications. 


We are committed to providing all participants with a positive experience. Thus, SARANTOS FITNESS LLC, may at its sole discretion, limit, suspend, or terminate your participation in any of its programs without refund or forgiveness of remaining payments if YOU become disruptive or difficult to work with, fail to follow the program guidelines, or impair the participation of our coaches or other clients in the Program. 


7. Coach’s Role: YOU understand that the role of the Health & Fitness Coach is not to prescribe medication, test levels in the body, provide licensed health care / medical services, or to diagnose, treat or cure any medical disease, condition, or other ailment of the human body.


Rather, the Coach is a mentor and guide who will help YOU reach your health and fitness goals by designing a custom Program involving simple, sustainable lifestyle changes and helping YOU implement them.


8. Medical Waiver: YOU acknowledge that SARANTOS FITNESS LLC has recommended that YOU have a yearly or more frequent physical examination and consultation with a physician.


YOU agree to consult with your healthcare provider prior to adjusting your diet, exercise level, or any other activity recommended as part of your Program.


YOU acknowledge that YOU have either had a physical examination and been given a physician’s permission to participate, or that YOU willingly participate in the Program without the approval of a physician and do hereby assume all responsibility for participation.


9. Acceptance of Risk: YOU understand and are aware that strength, flexibility, and aerobic exercise - including the use of equipment - involve a risk of injury and even death, and that YOU are voluntarily participating in these activities with knowledge of the dangers involved.


YOU hereby agree to expressly assume and accept all risks of illness, injury, or death related to said fitness activities. In addition, YOU certify that YOU are 18 years of age or older and warrant that YOU are currently covered by an accident and health insurance policy.


10. Agreement and Release of Liability: YOU hereby waive, release and forever discharge and hold harmless SARANTOS FITNESS LLC and its consultants, officers, agents, and employees from any and all responsibility, liability, cost and expenses, including injuries or damages, resulting from participation in any activities, programs, or coaching services designed by SARANTOS FITNESS LLC.

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